About us

One of the world’s leading Spanish training services

Dedicated to provide you with the highest possible quality in language learning experience

More than 45 years of experience

Provides professional and engaging instruction to learners of all background and levels of interest

Three distinct programs to suit your needs in Spanish Language Training

Special events!

Immersion program
Immersion program
Immersion program

ATIC’s winning formula for more than 50 years
– Personalized Classes   – Live With a Mexican Family   – Excursions   – Opportunities

Your Host Family


  • Safety 24/7
  • Comfortable accommodations
  • Private bedroom
  • Private bathroom
  • Excellent home cooked meals
  • Assistance with transportation
  • Warm attitudes
  • Natural enhancement of linguistic abilities
  • Cultural experiences

Your Excursions


  • Excursions to antiquity, beauty, the countryside, and the beach
    • Archeological sites of Teotihuacan or Xochicalco
    • Market towns and pyramids of Tepoztlán or Malinalco
    • Rural resort Las Estacas
    • Seaside resort Acapulco
    • Mexico City, with all of its marvels: the Museum of Anthropology, Chapultepec Park, the floating gardens of Xochimilco, the elegant neighborhood Coyoacán, and much more

Your Additional Opportunities


  • Students come to Atic for a few weeks to a few months
  • Designed to accommodate your specific needs
  • Personalized classes
  • One-on-one language work
  • Small class sizes tailored to your personal interests
  • Opportunity to stay longer and to integrate your language

An Immersion Program Tailored to Your Needs

ATIC presents an exceptional advantage in that a study period of 4 weeks can equal that of one to two semesters in the United States. This is due to the objectives and content and the 24 hours exposure to language and culture that the students benefit from during their daily stay in Cuernavaca.

The experienced team of Spanish teachers that have designed this program are strongly conscious that the classroom on its own depicts a very restricted situation for the demanding task of efficiently learning a language. Context inside the classroom, even in the most suitable conditions, is not to be compared with context in real life, which provides active language for communicative purposes.

A quality language learning program, besides including instruction inside the classroom, should also include a wide variety of outside opportunities where the language acquires its significance within the context of the culture. 

  • Language Classes
  • Host Families
  • Contextual Practice
  • Culture Courses

The Total Immersion Program views language as a mean of communication. In the classroom, the student learns functional language strongly associated with the daily Mexican life. Therefore, in real language situations the student may easily know how to talk to a taxi driver; how to order a meal in a restaurant; how to bargain in a Mexican market, etc. In fact, characters, places and situations in the content of the program are real entities in the city of Cuernavaca, which provides great significance to the language the students are learning in the classroom. In addition, this kind of learning is facilitated by an experienced team of native teachers, whose performance is focused on aiding students in the mastery of language meaning and communication.

     The TIP covers all levels, from the most basic to the most advanced. Personal attention begins the moment the student joins the program. During an initial interview, the student’s current proficiency is evaluated, and based on these results; they are placed in a class with the appropriate instruction with a focus on communicative activities (maximum 5 students per class).


Mexican host families are considered one of the most important elements of the Total Immersion Program, because they provide the closest connection to the Mexican culture. The families are not seen solely as a host service, but as relevant protagonists in the student’s language learning. Many of the language tasks embody the family’s contribution via opinions or useful information obtained to complete language and cultural studies.

The selection of families has been made by taking into account important features such as level of education, economical position and holding an honourable role in the community, among other traits. In addition, families are trained by FLI on certain linguistic and cultural knowledge in order to provide not only hospitality, but aid students in language development.

The FLI Immersion Program offers an extensive list of families who have been welcoming students into their homes for years. They provide meals, language practice, and first hand involvement in Mexican culture. The majority provide a comfortable room and bath of middle class standards. Whether you come alone or with a friend, we will place you with a Mexican family glad to accommodate you. As different as they are from one another, all our families have one thing in common: unsurpassed Mexican hospitality.

Although classes are of great importance in learning Spanish, they should serve primarily to prepare students in participating in the life of the surrounding community. Contextual Practice can be described as the opportunity for students to put their language into practice outside the classroom. Guided by a teacher, students visit different places such as a bank, a market, a laundry mat, etc. Communication settings where the students experience useful situations for both satisfying their own needs and making the language come to life.

In order to make the experience more meaningful, FLI Immersion Program offers a series of one-hour courses, Monday through Thursday, aimed at helping the student understand the roots of Latin American culture, while furthering abilities in Spanish. Our main bulletin board lists the courses offered each week. Some examples include:

– Contemporary History of Mexico
– Pros and Cons of the Free Trade Treaty
– Literature, Art and Society in Mexico
– Mexican Murals
– Historical Survey of Women in Latin America
– Pre-Colombian Civilizations
– The Novel of the Mexican Revolution

– Dance, Music and Folk Culture