About us
ATIC-FENIX is an educational institution dedicated to the teaching of the Mexican language and culture that was founded in 1973. It was born in the city of Cuernavaca, which since the sixties has established itself as a Spanish teaching center with international prestige.
The 20th century is distinguished by the emergence of a large number of language teaching methods. The first of them was the Audiolingual Method , which at the time had worldwide resonance. ATIC-FENIX, however, experimented with other forms of teaching with methods such as the Communicative Approach, the Silent Way , the Natural Approach, among others.
In the 21st century, the way of teaching marked a relevant shift where the approach becomes more important than the use of a single method, understanding the term approach as the theory that supports a way of teaching. Therefore, currently, ATIC-FENIX adopts an eclectic method in which the use of 20th century methods depends on the objectives of the tasks and activities used in the different phases of a lesson.

The other ingredient in the new way of teaching the Spanish language gives much more weight to language and culture immersion. Even though from its beginning ATIC-FENIX recognized the role of Mexican families hosting students, currently such immersion is appreciated as a broader learning context.
In fact, the current study program includes both Mexican families and the city of Cuernavaca and its surroundings as the contents of said program. If a lesson, for example, is about the context and vocabulary relating to a restaurant, the restaurant exists; or if another lesson is about Cuernavaca's public transportation system and means, these are real.
The above, of course, while the student improves his linguistic development in the classrooms, gives the students confidence to face the real situations of learning the Spanish language, which is manifested in the testimonies that the students express once they conclude their studies at ATIC-FENIX.

More testimonials
Fue una experiencia que nunca había experimentado, mil gracias por su hospitalidad y sus atenciones!! Espero
vernos pronto Monserrat Shalom
It was an experience I had never had before, a thousand thanks for your hospitality and attention!! I hope
to see you soon. Monserrat Shalom
Mil gracias a todos por una experiencia inolvidable. Genoveva México DF Colegio Madrid
A thousand thanks to everyone for an unforgettable experience. Genoveva Mexico City Colegio Madrid
It’s been amazing! Gracias! Obrigada! Mahalo nui loa! <3 - Rachel
It’s been amazing! Thank you! Obrigada! Mahalo nui loa! <3 - Rachel
La experiencia siempre supera mis más altas expectativas/deseos. Siempre voy a volver a pasar un rato con
ustedes. Les agradezco por todo <3 <3 Pepita <3 <3
The experience always exceeds my highest expectations/desires. I will always come back to spend time with
you. Thank you for everything. <3 <3 Pepita <3 <3
Queridos profesores y amigos de Fenix [ATIC] No sé agradecerles por todo lo que aprendí y por todo el cariño
que nos dieron. Ha sido una experiencia estupenda. Que Dios les bendiga Lisa :) <3 XXOO
Dear teachers and friends of Fenix [ATIC] I don’t know how to thank you for everything I learned and all the
affection you gave us. It has been a wonderful experience. God bless you. Lisa :) <3 XXOO
Sin duda la mejor de las experiencias en compañía de grandes amigos y magníficos colaboradores. Gabriel
Without a doubt the best of experiences in the company of great friends and magnificent collaborators.
Gabriel Santillana
Muchas gracias a mi nueva familia y mis nuevos amigos. Esta escuela está en mi corazón por siempre. <3
Con mucho amor, Regina Quandt 2018
Thank you very much to my new family and my new friends. This school will always be in my heart. <3 With
much love, Regina Quandt 2018
Gracias a todos en Fenix [ATIC] por unas semanas maravillosas! <3 Jamie 2018
Thank you to everyone at Fenix [ATIC] for a wonderful few weeks! <3 Jamie 2018
Gracias por una experiencia tan linda para mi y para todos en mi familia <3 Susan
Thank you for such a beautiful experience for me and for everyone in my family. <3 Susan
Me caen bien Gustavo y Juliana. Gracias por todo. Miguel 2010
I really like Gustavo and Juliana. Thank you for everything. Miguel 2010
It’s been a wonderful academic experience. Thanks a lot. Mary Christen 2018
It’s been a wonderful academic experience. Thanks a lot. Mary Christen 2018
Gracias a todos por una experiencia inolvidable! Alysia Treviño 2019
Thank you all for an unforgettable experience! Alysia Treviño 2019
Muchas gracias! Que experiencia tan increible! 17 Julio 2019
Thank you very much! What an incredible experience! July 17, 2019
Gracias por la amistad y experiencia compartidos. Fue increíble convivir con ustedes. Espero verlos
nuevamente. Erika Ltavetzi
Thank you for the friendship and shared experience. It was amazing to be with you. I hope to see you again.
Erika Ltavetzi
Una experiencia muy bonita, gracias por dejarme compartir con ustedes. Mil gracias! Karine
A very beautiful experience, thank you for letting me share with you. A thousand thanks! Karine
Esta fue una experiencia increíble y al principio estaba atemoriado, pero de inmediato he sentí bienvenido y
estoy muy contento de poder asistir a Fenix [ATIC] <3 Llevaré los recuerdos de este viaje conmigo para
siempre. Muchas gracias <3 Hanna Villanova Scott
This was an incredible experience and at first, I was scared, but I immediately felt welcome and I am very
happy to be able to attend Fenix [ATIC] <3 I will carry the memories of this trip with me forever. Thank
you very much <3 Hanna Villanova Scott
Mis maestros, mis amigos, mi familia querida de Fenix [ATIC]. Gracias por compartir conmigo su trabajo y
todo lo que hacen. Los amo. Juliana
My teachers, my friends, my dear Fenix [ATIC] family. Thank you for sharing your work and everything you do
with me. I love you all. Juliana
This experience has been more enlightening and inspiring than I ever could have expected. Thank you so much! Diego Fernandez Marlent 2019
Gracias por una experiencia muy positiva. Abrazos, <3 <3 <3 Kathy
Thank you for a very positive
Hugs, <3 <3 <3 Kathy
It was worth being here. This was my best experience ever! Miguel Reyes
Yo voy a regresar a los EEUU con mejor español, buenas experiencias, y más amigos/familia. Muchas gracias
por la gran aventura <3 Emily
I will return to the USA with better Spanish, good experiences, and more friends/family. Thank you very much
for the great adventure <3 Emily
Gracias Leti por esta buena experiencia. Ahora estoy hablando en español más “natural”. Hasta pronto en
Chicago. Tiha
Thank you Leti for this great experience. Now I am speaking Spanish more “naturally”. See you soon in
Chicago. Tiha
Muchas gracias por su amistad y generosidad! Nunca voy a olvidar mi tiempo en Cuernavaca <3 Emita 2024
Thank you very much for your friendship and generosity! I will never forget my time in Cuernavaca <3
Emita 2024
Gracias por enseñar con amor, esta fue una experiencia que nunca olvidaré. -Jazmyn Hinojosa
Thank you for teaching with love, this was an experience I will never forget. -Jazmyn Hinojosa
Muchas gracias por todo. Yo tengo más confianza ahora en mi capacidad para hablar español. Te echaré de
menos <3 -Riley
Thank you very much for everything. I am now more confident in my ability to speak Spanish. I will miss you
<3 -Riley
Leticia, Tú eres la mejor mamá y maestra. Gracias por compartir tu sabiduría con nosotros. Estoy agradecida
por ti y por esta experiencia. ¡Te amo! <3 Julia 2024
Leticia, You are the best mom and teacher. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. I am grateful for you
and for this experience. I love you! <3 Julia 2024
¡Muchas gracias por todo! Esta fue una gran experiencia <3 -Emma :) Mellott
Thank you very much for everything! This was a great experience <3 -Emma :) Mellott
Muchas gracias por esta experiencia. Yo aprendí mucho. -Destiny
Thank you very much for this experience. I learned a lot. -Destiny
Leticia, mi mamá y mi maestra, gracias por recibirme en tu casa con mucho amor, y en tu vida <3 Las
historias que compartiste conmigo están en mi corazón. Tú me inspiraste como una mujer y una maestra. Estoy
feliz de compartir mi cultura contigo y espero que te haya gustado la receta de humus. Con un abrazo, Noor
Klait (Mayo 2024)
Leticia, my mom and my teacher, thank you for welcoming me into your home with much love, and into your life
<3 The stories you shared with me are in my heart. You inspired me as a woman and as a teacher. I am
happy to share my culture with you and hope you liked the hummus recipe. With a hug, Noor Klait (May 2024)
Esta experiencia es lo que hacía falta en mi alma, conocer el país de mi familia y enamorarme de ella Mil
gracias por la oportunidad que nunca olvidaré -gabi rodriguez <3 2024
This experience was what my soul needed, to know my family’s country and fall in love with it. A thousand
thanks for the opportunity I will never forget -gabi rodriguez <3 2024